Sunday, April 4, 2010

Full House

Two weeks ago my sister, her husband Penn and our one and only niece Karlee came to stay for the week. My brother Brett, Kendra and the Carter-man drove in from Dallas for 1/2 the week to join in the fun! We had a lot of fun going to the zoo, eating Wes's southern food finds, playing high stakes poker, and going on 'kitty' hunts.

Again, had my camera 75% of the time and increased its usage to 50%, so I'm getting better...but no shots at the zoo :(

Cousin Bath Time --

Karlee is such a happy baby, and never happier then when she gets to take a bath!!

Carterman HATES water on his head so he is being very brave in this picture

We played some high stakes poker with random snacks I had leftover from last years camp. Pretzels, cheezits and if you were really flush..oreos! Did you know fruit snacks mold? Risks you take when you gamble with snack food that has been sitting boxed up in a closet for a year!!

Practicing our poker faces:

Goin on a 'kitty' hunt... Karlee would let out her 'I just saw an animal' squeel whenever she saw the cats and Carter would go in for the kill. He would be sneaky and shy at first, then he would 'Boom' the kitties.

Traumatized cats learned to sleep in shifts in case of infant/toddler attack!


The first weekend in March we flew to Vegas to meet up with Wes's mom and step-dad. We had such a great time! We even went Indoor SkyDiving, which was so much fun!! If I were more techy I would try to download our video of us all in our batsuits, but....

I'm getting marginally better at taking a camera with us on trips, but still forget to use it 75% of the time. Here are a few snapshots taken of us on a gondola ride at the Venetian and goofing around at the wax museum:

The Plague Comes to Visit

In January my brother, his wife Jessica and our nephew Bubber's came to visit. In that three day period we were visited by a host of plagues...

Ear Infection = Bubbers, he had never had one of these before and the poor guy got to fly with one. His poor parents were thoroughly traumatized by baby's first plane trip!

Flu = me, Wade, Bubbers

Strep Throat = Jessica and then me

Pink Eye = Jessica, this one was random and luckily no one else succumbed

You may notice Wes is not listed...this is because Wes never gets sick!!

These are a couple of random pictures taken during their trip. Rare moments when we all had enough energy to stand upright and hold a camera.

We hope they will be brave enough to visit us again one day!!!