Saturday, January 31, 2009

Reader's Poll

So my big Christmas present this year from Wes was a painting for the mantle. I found a Pink Flloyd record cover that I thought was really cool and had Wes base a painting off of it. I think it turned out really good, and after a while I think it grew on Wes as first he was not a fan????!

Anyway, I'm taking a reader's poll as to where to put the painting, I think it looks great against the red wall in the dining room, any thoughts out there in blog land?

Plus, if I put it in the dining room then Wes will need to paint me another painting for the mantle, win, win :)!


Wade and Jessica said...

is the last picture above the fireplace? I think it would look better on the red wall! I think you have an "eye for design!" Would Wesley paint a picture for me and my HUGE wall going down the stairs?? Or a lot of small pictures that I can collage on the HUGE wall?

Kiersten Allred said...

Go with the red wall and make him paint another. I think you need a portrait of sota and banana above your mantle anyway :)

babi said...

From here the red wall looks best, it seems to make the painting come to life!
Any ideas on what will be painted above the fireplace?

Unknown said...

Id have to wall it is! Tell Wes nice work on the painting too!

The Eilembergs said...

Yes, definitely the red wall. It really makes it pop.